Personal trace, collective ground

International Academic Conference “Art and Education: Teaching and Pedagogic approaches for the 21rst century School”, 2015


Personal trace, collective ground
Dr. Corina Preveduraki, Artist
Konstantina Bolieraki, March, Artist


In a time where innovation and creativity are a key request, education through the Arts and around the art is noticed as a multifaceted tool to motivate the child and adolescent into making decisions, development and management of personal abilities, research, knowledge and action. The Gerakas School of Fine Arts makes the connection between theory and practice, aiming to activate critical thinking, environmental awareness, by triggering the pupils’ interest and respect by going in the same direction, so that they will carry knowledge, abilities and experiences always with them as future citizens in order to observe, relate, envision and try new ways.

Within the above framework we have been pursuing a systematic promotion of “bringing School and Society together through Culture” by setting the approach of cultural heritage through several artistic applications and scientific views, as a base. We have blended cultural education with the arts as an educational act, transforming teaching into a multifaceted experience to point out questions about “Contemporary Fine Arts Education in Ancient Agora” titled: “City-Education-Civilization”.

This paper is developed within the above attempt, while promoting a two-year tracing of this diverse location, the Athens’ Ancient Agora. Year 2014 was a starting point through studying and sketching the busts, enriched with reference in social structure and values of different periods. Following that, in 2015 we were driven to an interactive visual arts installation containing reliefs, architectural models and pictures while the visitor becomes part of the artwork which by applying Information Technology is getting global proportions. Pupils have worked in two ways as a creator or citizen, as well as a creation, tracing shape through its internet encoding.